Sustainability strategy
The route to a sustainable future
Our sustainability strategy
The world is in a constant state of change. That’s why it is essential for us as a capital investor to recognise opportunities and risks which arise as a result of new developments and transformation processes and systematically take them into account in our investment decisions. This also applies to developments from the environment, social and governance sectors (ESG). This allows, for example, changed temperatures in the Earth’s atmosphere as a result of climate change or new statutory requirements relating to working conditions in the supply chain to have an affect on asset, financial and yield position as well as the reputations of companies.
The products from our companies Bayern-Versicherung Lebensversicherung AG, Versicherungskammer Bayern Pensionskasse Aktiengesellschaft and Pensionskasse VVaG are products with ESG in mind, i.e., they are products with sustainable features, not sustainable products in and of themselves. One exception is the FlexInvest product, which is not associated with ESG in any way.
Sustainability strategy as a continuous process
Our capital investments
We are aware that our capital investments are a powerful lever, so we want to create these in a responsible manner taking into account the aspect of sustainability. As a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), we are constantly developing our approach to sustainability for capital investments in line with the six accompanying principles. We have integrated our goal of ensuring the group’s investment portfolio is climate neutral by 2050 into an international industry initiative by joining the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance. The initiative convened by the United Nations unites large capital investors around the globe in their efforts to contribute towards achieving the Paris Climate Agreement.
As an asset manager of Versicherungskammer Bayern, Tecta Invest GmbH is implementing these principles and our sustainability strategy. With the Sustainability-Oriented Investment (NOA) and the Yield-Optimised Capital Investment Future (ROK Future) investment concepts, we are offering our own investment strategies with sustainable features as part of our products.
Handling negative consequences of sustainability factors
- Guarantee assets
- Investment components of products linked to funds which the group manage internally
- Investment components of products linked to funds belonging to external asset managers and investment companies
In order to take the negative sustainability consequences into account in all three of the aforementioned categories, we have developed our own approach which is largely based on two pillars:
2. Monitoring by the PAI committee
As the second pillar, we have worked with the PAI committee to create a body which assesses the development of sustainability indicators and the suitability of existing measures twice a year in order to use this as a basis to discuss the necessity of additional measures. Indicators from all three aforementioned categories are taken into account here. So it’s not just guarantee assets and investment components managed internally within the group, but investment components managed externally as well. In addition to historic development, this allows comparisons to be drawn with indices or competitors, among other things. Additional measures may include the exclusion of individual emitters (e.g. states or companies) or even an adjustment of the funds selectable as part of fund-linked life insurance. The committee submits the measures to the relevant process manager and decision-making committees in accordance with the distribution of responsibilities among the insurance companies and/or group as a recommendation.
We formalised this approach to considering the negative sustainability consequences in the second half of the 2022 financial year. Previously, the most significant negative consequences of investment decisions for sustainability factors were only taken into account insofar as exclusion criteria were implemented in specific funds and fund segments.
We publish the development of the most significant negative consequences for sustainability factors, measures both taken and planned, goals and additional information here each year in the legally required format.
Our strategies for handling sustainability risks
Capital investments of Versicherungskammer
Our fund selection process
With regard to the investment funds we offer when conducting new business, we aim to further increase the share of the fund with sustainable characteristics. In addition to the products in which these funds will be exclusively used (PrivatRente/BasisRente NachhaltigkeitsInvest), we aim to give preference to the inclusion of funds with sustainable characteristics with regard to our other focus products as well. If they are both equally suitable, funds with sustainable characteristics should be given preference when determining inclusion into our range of funds. The goal in doing this is to cover asset classes, markets and topics which will be relevant for the future in a targeted manner with funds which possess sustainable characteristics. This will offer our customers the opportunity to pursue their provision for the future according to their individual sustainability preferences (PAI, ESG, E).
We review our investment concepts and the investment funds regularly and use them to derive possible adjustments which our existing customers can also use.
Our remuneration policy in connection with sustainability risks
The structure for remunerating the company management also takes into account the principle of sustainability. With its combination of fixed and variable remuneration, it is focused on the long-term success of the company, with the variable remuneration for members of the Board of Directors containing a delayed component. This ensures the remuneration does not contain any elements which encourage an excessive willingness to take risks. Appropriate management of business risks, including sustainability risks, forms the vital basis for achieving remuneration-relevant goals.
Our employees are remunerated in a transparent, fair and performance-appropriate manner. We are members of the Arbeitgeberverband der Versicherungsunternehmen in Deutschland (Employers’ Association for Insurance Companies in Germany) and are thus bound by the existing collective agreements. Employees whose remuneration contains a variable share - this is particularly true for employees whose work can have a significant impact on the group companies’ risk profile (risk-takers) - are subject to the condition, among others, that no false incentives relating to the relevant risks, including sustainability risks, can be created. The processes on which this is based constitute part of the group-wide risk management system.
Our products
Our insurance products can be split into three categories in relation to this distribution of the capital reserves:
- Modern classics: Full investment in guarantee assets.
- Hybrid products: Investment in guarantee assets, insurance funds and selectable investment concepts and/or investment funds.
- Fund-linked insurance: Full investment in the capital market with freedom to select the investment fund and transfer to the guarantee assets when you begin receiving your pension.
Insurance policies which are only linked to funds invest exclusively in freely selectable funds and investment concepts before you start receiving your pension.
Hybrid products invest in guarantee assets, our insurance fund and our investment concepts and/or in investment funds.
Our investment concepts are in the ROK Klassik, ROK Chance, ROK Plus and/or ROK Plus2, IOK and/or IOK2, ROK Zukunft and NOA strategies. Our ROK Plus and/or ROK Plus2, IOK and/or IOK2 and NOA are each associated with the relevant insurance product, with customers being free to choose our other investment concepts.
For the relevant product, you will also see further information on the sustainability of the capital investments which are either strictly linked to it or freely selectable (referred to as investment options). Clicking on the relevant investment option will show you further information in our sustainability leaflets which contain all ESG-relevant information for the relevant investment option.
Your specific opportunities and chances can be found in the following overview of all our products.
At this point, we would like to refer you to the fact that we broker products of Sparkassen Pensionskasse. Company- and product-related sustainability information on Sparkassen Pensionskasse can be found here.
The products from our companies Bayern-Versicherung Lebensversicherung AG, Versicherungskammer Bayern Pensionskasse Aktiengesellschaft and Pensionskasse VVaG are products with ESG in mind, i.e., they are products with sustainable features, not sustainable products in and of themselves. One exception is the FlexInvest product, which is not associated with ESG in any way.
Our PrivatRente NachhaltigkeitInvest
Our PrivatRente NachhaltigkeitInvest sets itself apart from the rest as the investment is only made in investment funds that take ecological and social aspects as well as the principles of responsible state and corporate governance into account when they invest.
In this regard, you can assist the sustainable transformation by selecting the investment fund. This ensures the investment is made in investment funds that are suited to influencing social and ecological factors in addition to financial yields. Your specific opportunities and chances can be found in the following overview of all our products.
The NachhaltigkeitInvest product is also available in the form of the state-subsidised BasisRente NachhaltigkeitsInvest.
Overview of our products
Below you will find an overview of our currently offered insurance products and the fixed or optional investments associated with them:
Sustainability-related disclosure
Disclosure pursuant to Article 10 (1) of the EU Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation