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  • SAARLAND in Island - the right partner for your future

    Because we are the
    right partner for your future

    With happiness in your own hands

Our tried-and-tested services, also available in Iceland.

Our goal is to be a direct and reliable parther when it comes to guaranteeing a safe and happy future for our customers in Iceland. We are a tradition-concious company that combines future-oriented actions with stability.

  • Bayern Líf as a member of one of Germany’s largest public insurance groups
  • We offer our pension plan solutions as part of the Versicherungskammer Group via the risk bearer of Bayern-Versicherung Lebensversicherung AG, putting us among Germany’s top 10 life insurance providers.
  • Secure, multiple award-winning insurance products as capital investments in EUROS
  • Reliable, fair and inspiring partner for insurance products

Bayern Líf as part of the Versicherungskammer

Together with 11 insurance companies and regional brands in total, Bayern Líf Versicherungen is part of the Versicherungskammer Group.

To the Versicherungskammer Group

Our ratings and awards

We place particular importance on service and reliability. Therefore we are very proud of all the great awards and ratings we have received.

To our ratings and awards

Bayern Líf Board of Directors

Get to know our board members: Further information on our board members can be found here:

To the Board of Directors

Annual report

Not just for number lovers: a precise and detailed description of Bayern Líf’s business development from A to Z.

To the annual report

To the digital brochure of key figures

Data protection

Data is the gold of the 21st century. We do everything we can and invest in the most secure IT technology to ensure our customer’s confidential information stays confidential

To data protection

Get in touch with us

Write to us using our contact form or give us a call free of charge Mon. - Fri. 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm:

577 2025

Do you want to know more? - Don´t hesitate to contact us!

We are happy to take the time and draw up an offer for your first-class coverage.

Beratung Altersvorsorge

PM-Premium Makler

PM-Premium Makler GmbH
Garðatorgi 7, 210 Gardobaer

Write to us or give us a call!
(Mon. - Fri. 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm)

PM-Premium Makler

PM-Premium Makler GmbH
Garðatorgi 7, 210 Garðabær
Write to us or give us a call!
(Mon. - Fri. 9 am to 12 noon and 1 pm to 4 pm)
Get in touch        577 2025